Ageless Skin Secrets

When trying to reverse the time on your skin you need to remember why your skin shows your age in the first place.  Your skin is the largest human organ and you need to take care of it like anything else, even more so if you care about aesthetics.  Skin droops because it loses elasticity, collagen gets weak for a wide variety of reasons but you can slow this down dramatically. Avoid smoke, over exposure to direct sunlight, over exposure to chemical fumes such as paint fumes and alcohol.  Hydrate your skin by getting in eight glasses of water daily and moisturizing your skin to help maintain its elasticity.  Use a sun block moisturizer with at least 15 SPF on days you know you will be out in the sun.  Lastly, try to keep your nutrition clean by avoiding refined sugars, trans fats, and alcohol, which all speed up the ageing process.  For more details on turning the clock back, look into Agenda Magazine’s “Staying Young While You Age” article.

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2 Comments to “Ageless Skin Secrets”

  1. Ashley says:

    Thanks!!! love the info

  2. agendamag says:

    [New Post] Ageless Skin Secrets – via #twitoaster