Did You Know: Aspartame (Artificial Sweetner) is 10% Poison?

I don’t mean to alarm anyone but I am merely stating the facts.  Artificial sweeteners such as Nutrasweet and Equal contain the main ingredient Aspartame.  The danger comes from the fact that 10% of Aspartame is made up of methanol/wood alcohol, which is a deadly poison.  Methanol breaks down into folic acid and formaldehyde in the human body, yes you read that right.  Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin that destroys brain cells.  Artificial sweeteners can make your health difficult because they stimulate hunger as your body prepares for calories coming down.  But artificial sweeteners don’t have calories so your body will ask you to eat when you’re actually not really hungry.  Sure, diabetics need these but if you don’t need fake sweets, you should try Stevia for a healthy alternative.

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2 Comments to “Did You Know: Aspartame (Artificial Sweetner) is 10% Poison?”

  1. Ashley says:

    Stevia is a little more expensive… but you can’t put a price tag on your health. How much artificial sweetener can someone consume in a day without it really affecting them? Or should it be cut out completely?

  2. agendamag says:

    [New Post] Did You Know: Aspartame (Artificianl Sweetner) is 10% Poison? – via #twitoaster http://www.agendamag.com/content/2010/12