Did You Know: Sugar Makes You Eat More, Offsets Your Mood, and Ruins Your Looks

If you didn’t know, white refined sugar is the devil, well maybe not in the literal sense but it is pretty bad.  Sugar has been frowned upon in the world of health for years now because of its destructive qualities in the body.  Yes it taste great but there are so many sweet alternatives without the destructive power of white sugar.  Stevia, cane sugar, or even natural fruit are great alternatives.  As sugar enters your system it signals your body to release chemicals and hormones preparing for food.  If you just had a sugary drink or snack and intended to stop at that, guess again.  Your body will most likely now pester you by raising your hunger levels since it is not satisfied, causing you to eat when your body really didn’t need any more calories.  All that sugar in your bloodstream creates bad mood swings along with drops in energy.  It ages you prematurely and causes you to gain weight significantly faster.  Doesn’t sound like such a sweet deal after all!  Find some delicious alternatives and your life will be that much sweeter for it.

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One Comment to “Did You Know: Sugar Makes You Eat More, Offsets Your Mood, and Ruins Your Looks”

  1. agendamag says:

    [New Post] 3) Did You Know: Sugar Makes You Eat More, Offsets Your Mood, and Ruins Your Looks – via #twitoaster http://www.agendamag.com/content/2011/01