Did You Know: You Don’t Need A Gym or Even Expensive Equipment for Great Exercise

Who needs a gym, a loud trainer yelling at you or gym equipment worth more than your car.  The basic principles to exercise are heart rate and challenging resistance.  A raised sustained heart rate is needed for great cardio progression and a challenging amount of weight for resistance exercise is needed for strength and physical gains.  Cardio can come in any shape or form ranging from dancing, roller-bladeing, a fitness DVD, hiking, or even great sex if you do it enough.  Even organized sports, swimming, and so much more, provide endless opportunities as long as you get your heart rate up (check our heart rate fitness tip).  When it comes to toning and strengthening your body all you need is resistance and that doesn’t mean an expensive over grown dumbbell.  Resistance can come from body weight, a jug of water, inexpensive resistance bands, or just about anything in your surroundings.  Mixing up your exercise regimen will go a long way to keeping you motivated.  If you need some guidance, find your favorite workout DVD and take it out doors with a laptop or write down the exercises and recreate them using what you can find at a park or at the beach.  Make the world your gym and you will find yourself smiling as opposed to crying when it’s time to get your fitness on!

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One Comment to “Did You Know: You Don’t Need A Gym or Even Expensive Equipment for Great Exercise”

  1. Ashley says:

    These are very good ideas!!