Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy for Plus Size Moms to Be

Being plus size is embraced today.  You don’t have to be a size six to be considered sexy anymore.  In fact, surveys indicate that most men prefer women with curves.  Advertisers are even jumping on the bandwagon and are helping to promote more positive body images.  Hopefully, long gone are the days when we had to starve ourselves to look good or be considered beautiful.  It’s a growing consensus, beauty does come in all shapes and sizes.  Could it be that our society is finally catching up with civilization?

Becoming pregnant has challenges for all sizes of women.  You might be lucky to bypass morning sickness in your first trimester, but as with all pregnancies, you will watch your body change to accommodate your growing fetus.  You will become more tired as your pregnancy progresses, and rumor has it that giving birth is no walk in the park.  For a plus size mommy to be, here are a few fitness tips to help you ease some of the challenges of being pregnant and giving birth.


If you are new to exercise, you’ll want to start slowly, perhaps with a 10- to 15-minute, moderately paced walk on a flat terrain.  It is recommended that you start your fitness program prior to getting pregnant, but if this is not feasible, no worries. Just get started.  Being plus size has its challenges with regards to working out; and this does depend on your actual size.  Plus sizes can range anywhere from a size 14 up to 22 and more.  If you are morbidly obese, please consult your doctor before trying any workout plan.  The key is to start off slowly, melt away the pounds, then pick up your pace on that treadmill or aerobics class.  Nutrition should play a big part in your fitness plan.  Don’t forget, you have a precious bundle you’re carrying in that belly of yours.  So no starving yourself and don’t forget to take your prenatal supplements.

Drinking Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated during exercise is critical.  Keep a jug of ice water (no little water bottle) available at all times when working out.  Throw in some ice, too.  It will help to speed up burning those dreary calories, and it will also prevent you and baby from getting overheated.  Your heart will be working harder than usual to keep that blood pumping.  We don’t want any complications during this special, yet critical time in your life.

Eating a High-Protein Meal before a Light Work Out

Before you exercise, be sure to eat a high-protein meal.  Try to avoid sugar if you can.  But don’t be afraid of carbohydrates, as you will need the extra energy.  If you just have to eat sweets, try fresh fruit, or even dark chocolate (70% cocoa) to curb that craving.  Be sure to eat three small to medium size meals and three small snacks throughout the day.  You will be getting hungrier the more you exercise.  Avoid fast food, processed foods, and fried foods if you can; nothing good will ever come from ingesting these foods.  These types of foods could aid in complicating your pregnancy.  So stay away.

Training for Strength

Light strength training, using one- to two-pound weights, or items around your house, like soup cans, work great for resistance. Don’t forget to include exercises for all the major muscle groups of your upper body as well as your lower body. Start with eight repetitions of each exercise, then, gradually increase to three sets of 12 repetitions. Do this daily and alternate between upper and lower body.  All this can be done in about 10 to 15 minutes per session to see results!  Don’t forget to stretch after each workout session.  Do some light stretching of the muscles you exerted during that session. Hold each stretch (and keep breathing) for about 15 seconds. Avoid any bouncing movements while you stretch.  You don’t want to injure yourself.

Here Comes Baby

If you follow these tips for the duration of your pregnancy, you will see a big difference in your physical appearance and endurance.  This should help with your delivery and recovery.  You’re going to need your newfound strength to keep up with the new baby.  After the baby has arrived, find the time to continue your regime.  You will feel good about yourself, and this will make shopping for your post-pregnancy wardrobe the best fun ever.  Just remember, be good to yourself.  Your newborn deserves a healthy mommy!

(Fitness and nutritional facts credited to physicians, nutritionists, and fitness experts.)

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