30 Days & 30 Nights: A Wrinkle in Time

Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle PadsPeter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Pads
Cost: $45
Location: www.sephora.com

Imagine the effectiveness of a chemical peel without the redness, burning sensation, and days of peeling. Okay, this is not exactly that . . . but it’s close. Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Pads delivers nearly instant gratification to those of us who don’t want to pony up a small fortune and wait weeks for results.

Directions advise dry skinned beauties to use the pads several times a week. Normal skinned beauties may use it up to once a day, and Oily skinned beauties may use a pad twice a day. Our oily skin more than qualifies us for twice-daily use, so we dug right in.

We used our first pad at night. We applied it as directed to face, décolleté, and backs of hands. We then waited 60 seconds and rinsed the formula off. By morning, there was already some noticeable brightness and evenness of skin tone. By day three, the results were significant.

Our oily skin continued to respond positively to twice daily use of these pads over a 30- day period. There is a consistent tingling sensation when we rinse the formula (which is noted on the label), but otherwise the results have been mostly positive.

Today, there is a definite clarity to our skin, and our skin tone is noticeably even. However, there is no difference in wrinkle reduction. We’re not sure why these are called “Un-Wrinkle Pads.” They seem to work wonderfully to clarify skin, but the results end there. Maybe Peter Thomas Roth should have called them “Clarity” Pads.

Grade: B+

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