Michael Levine – The Man Behind the Face

Having a difficult childhood plagued with a learning disability (dyslexia, which was unknown at the time as a disorder), Michael Levine struggled throughout his early years, but managed to find his way to becoming the founder of a prominent Hollywood PR firm (LCO – Levine Communications Office).  He authored a best-selling international book called Guerilla Marketing, which adds to his 19 books sold internationally.  Levine is a respected motivational speaker worldwide and has spoken at Harvard, Oxford, and other prestigious institutions.  As a media expert he has appeared on virtually every major national TV and radio show as a contributing media expert.

Having learned a little about the subject of this editorial, check out the photographs taken by Ash Gupta 838 Media Group, giving you an even further insight into Michael Levine, to man behind the face.

Click below to see the editorial.

Michael Levine Photographed by Ash Gupta 838 Media Group

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