Did You Know: Vegetarians Need Rice and Beans to Equate to Meat

If you ever wondered how a vegetarian can survive without meat, you will want to keep reading. All humans need amino acids which are the basic building blocks to just about everything in our bodies. There are 23 different essential amino acids that our bodies need.  Essential refers to the fact that we must attain them through food sources.

Meat products contain all 23 needed amino acids, but obviously vegetarians don’t have that option. In order to acquire their dietary needs, vegetarians eat beans (legumes), which hold half of the amino acids and grains, which hold the other half to equate the necessary 23. Other options vegetarians look to are tofu, milk or simply supplements just to name a few more. If you are thinking of becoming a vegetarian, make sure you do your research on meeting your dietary means without meat.  Some vitamins such as B12 can only be obtained through meat or supplements, and this vitamin is critical to proper mental health.

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