30 DAYS & 30 NIGHTS: NaturaBisse Top Ten Complex

NaturaBissePrice: $160
Location: www.barneys.com

The world of skin care is filled to the brim with miracle oils, creams, and elixirs that promise to do everything from basic moisturizing to imitating the effects of a facelift. Most of these claims are . . . well . . . bogus. So we’re healthy skeptics whenever a product that claims to rebuild the skin’s surface or change it any dramatic way comes across our desk.

NaturaBisse Top Ten Complex actually got our attention after a . . .  ahem . . . skin care mishap; a recent attempt at a glycolic acid peel (We don’t want to talk about it. No, really . . . we don’t.) left our skin scarred and extremely sensitive.

We applied this serum overnight, went to sleep, and prayed for a miracle.

Top Ten Complex claims to be ideal for extremely sensitive skin or skin that has been damaged by aggressive laser or microdermabrasion treatments. It claims to absorb instantly and help plump the skin, restoring elasticity and suppleness. It doesn’t claim to literally rebuild the surface of the skin by encouraging collagen production, but we found that it does that, too.

With the help of Top Ten complex, we were able to correct a peel mistake within a week, with results that should have easily taken a month. Continued use helped us completely heal the offended area, with no residual scarring. The side effect of a smooth, glowing complexion was just the icing on the cake.

Grade: A+

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