INFERNO by Dan Brown

From Dante’s Divine Comedy comes the solution to saving the world, thus Dan Brown’s title, Inferno.

“. . . human population growth was out of control, and the very survival of mankind was hanging in the balance. “

INFERNO by Dan Brown Book CoverQuite frightening, but the solution was even more frightening.  Bertrand Zobris, rich and world-famous doctor, invents a solution, based on the theory that the plagues of yesteryears were a way of balancing the population, for example, the Black Death in Europe in the 14th Century, which killed an estimated 75 to 200 million people.  Reducing the world population from 7 billion to 4 billion would cure all the other ills, Zobris theorized, and would save the human species from extinction.

Robert Langdon, symbologist and art historian, is at it again.  Having first appeared in Brown’s The DaVinci Code and lastly in The Lost Symbol, Langdon, the central character in his books, has but little time left to save approximately half of the world’s population from destruction.

Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon awakens in a hospital in the middle of the night.  Disoriented and suffering from a head wound, he recalls nothing of the last thirty-six hours, including how he got there . . . or the origin of the macabre object that his doctor discovers hidden in his belongings.

Langdon’s world soon erupts into chaos, and he finds himself on the run in Florence with a stoic young woman, Sienna Brooks, whose clever maneuvering saves his life.  Langdon quickly realizes that he is in possession  of a series of disturbing codes created by a brilliant scientist—a genius whose obsession with the end of the world is matched only by his passion for one of the most influential masterpieces ever written—Dante Alighieri’s dark epic poem The Inferno.

Set in Italy, Dan Brown’s latest, Inferno, captivates from the first page to the last with the beauty of classical Italian art, history, and literature and, of course, with his artistry of narration, as his world-famous Langdon races to “save the world.”  Since the publication of The Lost Symbol in 2010, we’ve eagerly awaited this publication.  It was well worth the wait.


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