Bureau V/BYCO Presentation Spring 2014 Photographed by Arun Nevader

Bureau V/BYCO Spring 2014 Presentation Photographed by Arun NevaderThe Bureau V/BYCO presentation during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2014 was held at Dillion Gallery on September 5, 2013, in New York City.  Normally, to wear white after Labor Day is cause for alarm for those on the fashion fast track, but in the case of Bureau V/BYCO, fashion-goers and critics made an exception.  The seamless theme of white, creme and hues of light gray created a clean and stark mood, which was softened by subtle touches like quilted fabrics.  Bureau V/BYCO takes us way back but incorporates hints of modern looks.  Not a huge collection, but the designer’s statement was made nonetheless.  Interesting juxtapositions of vintage styles supported by bushy bearded men and over-sized turtle necks or vests with buttoned up collars.  This line is based on architecture and the subtle intricacies of well designed pieces.  The decision to use “unlikely” textiles is a perfect example of the dimensions found in that discipline.

Check out the Bureau V/BYCO presentation Spring 2014, photographed by Arun Nevader.

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