N. Hoolywood Autumn/Winter 2011-12 Collection Photographed by Arun Nevader on February 11, 2011 at Park Avenue Armory in New York

“One year ago, I came upon an old photo collection at a small flea market in L.A.  Within in it were very deep and expansive black-and-white landscape images.  I learned it was a collection of photos of Yosemite National Park by the artist Ansel Adams.  He was the first to compile photographic techniques in written form.” —N. Hoolywood Fashion Designer Daisuke Obana

Daisuke Obana gathered a variety of photos and books from this period (1800s) and discovered the clothes these climbers wore were identical to their daily street wear.  This inspired his latest collection.

Please enjoy the backstage and runway images of the N. Hoolywood Autumn/Winter 2011-12 Collection photographed by Arun Nevader on February 11, 2011 at Park Avenue Armory in New York.

N. Hoolywood Backstage

N. Hoolywood Runway

In honor of Valentine’s Day, read the historical love letter from Civil War soldier Sullivan Ballou to his beloved wife Sarah.  (Just a little something we were moved to post by sheer inspiration of the N. Hoolywood Autumn/Winter 2011-12 mid-19th century inspiration).

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