No matter the year or the season, most beauty trends seem to focus on the eyes or the lips. There’s always the occasional trend calling for a strong brow. But this season, it’s all about the cheeks.

Several brands have taken the idea of ‘rouge’ quite literally, by offering blushes in the bold color of red. The idea of a red blush is enough to scare many people away, but believe it or not, it’s not as frightening as it sounds.

“It’s all about how you wear it.” YSL representative Nefertiti Guarriello suggests using a soft touch. “A little bit goes a long way,” she says, “and you should make sure that it doesn’t clash with anything else on your face.”Blush "YSL"

To make the most of the rouge trend, Guarriello believes that the blush should be the focus. “Easy eyes and easy lips. Nothing should compete with the blush.” Guarriello suggests swirling a blush brush into the product, tapping off any excess, and lightly applying the color to the apples of your cheeks.

To bring the entire look together, Guarriello suggests lots of mascara, and a creamy lip color. “Believe it or not, you can wear a red lip with this blush,” she says, “but the color should be sheer.” And she warns against too much definition around the lip area. “Keep it soft, and let your cheeks be the focus of your face.”

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2 Comments to “WAY TO WEAR IT: RED BLUSH”

  1. Ava says:

    Nice article. Most women can wear red blush if applied with a light hand. I think it’s one of the few colors that almost everyone can wear.

  2. Reese says:

    As truly gorgeous as these colors look in the pan, I’m not so sure red blush is a look most women can pull off. Or maybe I’m just not brave enough to step out of my comfort zone, lol.