He Said/She Said: Keeping up with Mid-Life Maintenance

We’re all getting older. That’s just a fact of life. But getting old doesn’t mean we have to take it lying down. These days, there are many practices (and potions) to keep us looking young and vibrant, long into our sunset.

We talked to two people who have committed themselves to slowing down the aging process as much as they can, naturally.

Questions by Agenda Magazine (Bold)

Actor/Director Scott F. Evans, Makeup by Shahada Karim, Photographed by Nadirah BaharScott F. Evans
45 Years Old

What has changed with your body, compared to when you were in your 20s and 30s?

“I’m in better physical shape now, at 45, than I was during my 20s, 30s, or even my teens. I’m not as flexible as I used to be, but that’s more a result of neglect than advancing age.  I was never fat, or even chubby, but due to poor diet choices, my BMI was higher then.  Now I’m holding around 17 to 20%.”

How do you stay “young” — on the inside and the outside?

“Internally, I try to maintain childlike ways.  I still enjoy many of the same things that interested me growing up, like comic books and action figures.  I also try to maintain an optimistic view of life in general.  I see reality for what it is; but to keep from growing bitter, I always see the glass as half full.”

Actor/Director Scott F. Evans, Makeup by Shahada Karim, Photographed by Nadirah BaharWhat are some of your regular exercise habits?

”I hit the gym 4 or 5 times a week for general weight training and cardio.  I do Power Yoga a couple times a week.  I also train in Wing Chun and Kenpo.”

Can you give us a quick rundown of your regular diet?

”Oatmeal, oatmeal, and more oatmeal! I eat it about 4 or 5 times a week, to top off my morning workout.  I’m also a huge fan of protein drinks and power-packed smoothies. I keep my solid diet pretty simple, with lots of fish (I love Salmon) and chicken.

My favorite greens are broccoli, spinach, and kale. “

“I love cake and cookies; but to maintain that low BMI, I’ve had to cut them down to almost never… almost. I substitute as much as possible with non-fat caramel popcorn, gluten-free yogurt, and fruit snacks.”

How do you care for your skin?

“I try to scrub my face at least three times a week.  I am dedicated to staying moisturized from head to toe. It keeps my skin tone even, and slows down any wrinkles from developing.  I use Habibi facial moisturizer on my face and head and Habibi body butter for my body.”

Any advice for men approaching 40?

”We live in a very ‘age-ist’ society that tells us that the older you get, the less you matter.  Don’t buy into it.  Life is just getting good at around 40.  You may not be as fast or strong as you used to be, but you’re smarter.  Stay youthful and vibrant, no matter what.”

Journalist Lela Chan, Makeup by Shahada Karim, Photographed by Nadirah BaharLela Chan
45 Years Old

What has changed with your body, compared to when you were in your 20s and 30s?

“I had a lot more energy or stamina when I was younger. Now, I have some stiffness and sore spots in my back, shoulders, and neck.  But I must say I am more physically fit now than I was in my 20s.”

How do you stay “young” — on the inside and the outside?

“I eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of rest. I’d like to sleep 8 to 10 hours a day if I can. On the inside, I keep a positive attitude and look at life like it’s a glass half full.”

What are some of your exercise habits?

Journalist Lela Chan, Makeup by Shahada Karim, Photographed by Nadirah Bahar“I practice yoga almost every day and do crossfit or kickboxing 3 times a week. I can’t go a day without doing something physical.”

Can you give us a quick rundown of your regular diet?

“For breakfast, I have half a bagel with avocado or cereal with dry fruits, nuts, and almond milk. Or I would have an egg white burrito made with olive oil. No butter!

“For lunch/dinner, I have chicken or fish with a little rice or noodles and lots of green vegetables. For dessert, I eat fruits like strawberries, guavas, mangos, apples, watermelon, or nectarines. For snacks, I eat nuts like almonds and peanuts and dry fruit.

“I stay away from processed foods, especially those with partially hydrogenated oils and corn syrup.”

What is your skin care regimen?

“In the morning, I put on a moisturizer, then sunscreen before putting makeup on.

At night, I pack on moisturizer before going to bed.

“Every six months, I get a vitamin-A chemical peel to remove brown spots and fine lines.

“I believe the key to looking young is staying out of the sun. You will never ever find me sunbathing on the beach or by the pool! If I am on the beach, I am sitting under an umbrella.  If I have to be in the sun, like bike riding or taking a walk around my neighborhood, I pack on sunscreen and wear a hat with a giant brim. I also apply sunscreen on my arms and neck.”

How hard is it for you to maintain your habits on a regular basis?

“It’s extremely tough. It requires a lot of discipline and determination to keep fit and be healthy. Ninety-five percent of the battle is getting up and making it to the gym. Once you’re there and start sweating, it’s downhill from there.  There are days when my body hates me for dragging it to the gym. But in the long run, it will thank me for trying to keep it in top shape.”

Journalist Lela Chan, Makeup by Shahada Karim, Photographed by Nadirah BaharAny advice for women approaching 40?

– Stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen everyday. It’s much less expensive and painful than undergoing plastic surgery.

– Don’t consume too much alcohol because it has a lot of calories. Hangovers are not fun, especially when you’re trying to stay in shape with exercise and healthy eating habits.

– Eat less processed foods, and more natural/fresh foods

– Eat less red meat, or try to avoid it.

– Stay away from junk food, especially sweets.

– Most of all, pay attention to your body when you feel symptoms of sickness. See a doctor regularly. It’s better to prevent an illness than treat it.

*Photographed by Nadirah Bahar

Makeup: Shahada Karim

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