An Interview with Toni Lee – A Fitness Model with a Healthy Affirming Message!

Toni Lee is a stunning result of good old hard work, sweat, knowledge, and determination. Today we delve into the world of our multifaceted in-demand fitness model Toni Lee. You can find this talented hard body in numerous spotlight articles and photo spreads for popular magazines, such as Muscle and Fitness, and LA Sports and Fitness, among many others. Do not be fooled by the pretty face and vicious set of six-pack abs, as she doesn’t stop there. Toni is also a passionate TV/film producer, a hilarious comedian, and an accomplished musician, mastering the piano, harp, and flute. You would never know how talented this rock-hard beauty is by simply looking at her—looks can be so deceiving. This wonder woman has taken her healthy affirming messages into television appearances on UPN Channel 13 News and KTLA’S morning shows. Toni Lee lives by the philosophy that success is created by action. She is the perfect example of her own positive thinking as a successful businesswoman who shows that working on yourself each day results in a healthier lifestyle.

So, Toni, we have learned that you are a global woman. What common health concerns have you found in your travels?

I began to see the world when I worked as flight attendant some years back. It let me see the world through new eyes. I grew greatly as a person, being able to appreciate the things in my life after seeing so much of the world. I sawcommunities that have very little and those that had a lot and realized how lucky I am. No matter where I was I loved experiencing and appreciating every culture I came across.

At what age did you first begin to take interest in the health world and why?

I have always been athletic; it goes back to my track days in high school. I focused on taking my fitness levels to new heights around 17 years old to gain more confidence. At age 20 I decided to break boundaries with my body by pushing the sculpting of my body. I am very competitive, and my brother was a big weight lifter. We would work out together and I would find myself competing with him. He motivated me to achieve bigger and bigger gains in sculpting my body.

How did you first begin to learn about fitness? Was it a book, a fitness magazine, another fitness buff you know . . . ?

My brother started the ball rolling, but like anyone else I picked up the “Muscle & Fitness” magazines and started reading. I started meeting more and more body builders being so fitness-conscious, and they became a huge expert source of information. I just started to ask a lot of questions from body builder friends who knew what they were doing.

What period in your life would you say has been the most difficult in obtaining your fitness goals?

Right about now actually, its getting hard. I am “plateauing” now because it is hard to keep up an aggressive workout plan when you have so many projects on your plate. I still keep up my fitness, but it’s not the same right now because I am so busy right now. To compensate I make sure to eat extra healthy, though.

High performance fitness takes so much inner and outer strength. Is there anyone that you look up to for strength, encouragement, or advice when you are in need?

My parents are great for encouragement when I am down. My boyfriend (Jace Hall) is a huge support system. He really motivates me. Jace is very fitness and health conscious, so it makes life so much easier being on the same page inthat aspect. We have a much healthier relationship, I think, because we both love to be healthy and fit. We cook 90 percent of the time to stay at our healthiest. I do the cooking, though. I just love to cook.

What advice do you have for the average fitness enthusiast who really wants to get a long, lean body like you but has no idea how?

Go to the source. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Make your way to the bookstore, grab a fitness magazine, or ask someone who already knows. Find professional advice from someone who has been there and done that to save yourself time and frustration. Personal trainers that know their stuff are a huge asset in achieving fitness goals. They save so much time. They are worth the money—they are saving you a lot of time and keeping you safe.

As a fitness model you are exposed to your share of ups and downs in the industry, I am sure. Do you have any advice for other aspiring fitness models?

Staying fit and beautiful is the basics. You need more. The key to achieving your goals in fitness modeling is in your personality. You need to radiate positive energy. If you don’t feel positive, it shows up on the film, and you lose work. People with great energy can pick up those that have bad energy real quick. (Smile.)

What is a typical day in the nutrition and fitness life of Toni Lee? I read that you enjoy jujitsu.

I eat very healthy. I am always cooking so I can control what goes into my body. I stay as organic as possible with a good balance of carbs, protein, and good fats. I don’t do the starvation methods. I believe in balance. I eat evenly throughout the day to keep my metabolism running, and [I] drink tons of water. Some consider me boring because I don’t drink alcohol—and I don’t smoke—but I call that being healthy and smart. I work out at least five times a week, mixing up my cardio and resistance training throughout the week. Yes, I do practice martial arts. I am disciplined in Japanese jujitsu and tae kwon do, so watch out.

The world’s health needs so much attention. In your opinion what would you say is hurting us in the U.S. as the world’s worst?

Fast food by far is a big problem; bad food choices. People need to educate themselves better on what goes into their bodies. We really need to learn how to eat to better our lives. You need to love yourself first.

So what is in store for Toni Lee? What projects are you working on currently?

Well, I have several Hollywood production projects right now. I first focused on creating and producing a screenplay based on a very unique yet true family. It is a hilarious comedy. I love comedy. Life is about being able to be happy and learning to laugh, not taking yourself too serious. You can find a lot of projects at Take a look.

I am also taking my gaming to the next level. I am a huge video game fanatic, Street Fighter IV being my favorite game. I am working on becoming a “professional Gamer.” There is a lot more to that, but you will need to stay tuned for more juicy details. Keep track of my adventures at It will be well worth your time.

Visit for more on Toni Lee.

Interviewed by Anthony Heredia

Written by Anthony Heredia