Getting Your Other Half off the Couch

Getting Your Other Half off the Couch

The average American reaching age 77 will have viewed over 150,000 hours of TV in his/her lifetime.  (Are you kidding me!?) That equates to spending roughly 17 years of one’s precious life in front of a glowing box.  Absolutely horrendous! According to the surgeon general, more than 60 percent of American adults don’t exercise regularly and 25 percent aren’t active at all. The Center for Disease Control says that 34 percent of Americans are overweight, and more than 72 million people were obese from 2005 to 2006. Inertia has become a national emergency. Had I not excavated the research myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. This issue of Fitness Couture will be dedicated to tackling the daunting task of prying our significant other off that couch in a manner that won’t result in law enforcement showing up at your door. Let us avoid that whole sirens-blaring scenario, shall we?  Exercise is absolutely omnipotent in the way it enhances every single aspect of your life. Being fit enhances self esteem and energy levels; it promotes better sleep patterns, clearer thinking, promotions at work─yes, you read that right─relieves depression, and improves complexion. Living fit slows aging, regulates sex drive, regulates hormone levels, increases work productivity, and enhances the immune system, along with so much else. There are a myriad reasons as to why someone should get fit, but today we are going to highlight the fact that couples who live a fit life together stick to their programs longer, as well as stay together longer and happier. Once you are inspired to help your loved one at the end of this article, head over to Health 101 for help with a battle plan for actually getting him/her moving.

For some, exercise is an outlet. I know that I consider my workout time “me” time. I don’t take my cell phone with me or let anyone know I’m out running so I can disappear if even for a moment, but there are always those times when I would love some company. It’s about balance. You might love exercise as “you” time, which is fine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t share a workout or two, getting your potato of a spouse motivated. Here are just 6 benefits to exercising with your partner that you might not have thought of.

1. Balance – With many couples, one partner tends to favor cardio (typically women), while the other tends to favor strength training (typically men). By working out together, you can balance your workout program to include more of both while educating each other. Let your partner teach you about the areas of fitness you’re unsure of, and be open to new fitness experiences.

2. Quality Time – Couples spend most of their time apart due to careers and regular responsibilities. Instead of working out alone every time, why not plan a little workout time that fits both of your schedules. The couple that sweats together stays together after all. You’ll reach your fitness goals without sacrificing that one-on-one time every partnership needs.

3. Respect and Pride – These topics are immense deal breakers.  Getting in shape for someone who doesn’t appreciate the work has ended many a relationship. By working out together at least once a week, you both can respect each other more by seeing what it takes each other to be healthy. Taking care of your body and your health also shows your other half that you care about him/her by wanting to be around for years to come.

4. Inspiration and Support – Getting encouragement and praise from your partner is one of the best motivators. When he/she sees you sweating bullets, it creates admiration. The absolute best compliment anyone can give someone is, “You make me want to be a better person.”  You become inspiration. It helps both of you to remain consistent, take care of one another, and inspires you to continue your workout program.

5. Teamwork and Safety – Working out together gives you a chance to work on your communication skills and teamwork. With someone else watching your form and being there to spot you when you need it, you’ll exercise more safely than if you were alone. This creates fantastic bonding and trust.

6. Sexual Desire – Exercise produces chemicals in the brain that evoke feelings of happiness, reduce stress, and also increase arousal and libido. Several studies show that men and women who exercise regularly report better (and more frequent) sex with their partners. Watching your partner grunt, sweat and combat a hard workout regimen can be a powerful aphrodisiac, but don’t take my word for it. Let me know how this all turns out Agenda readers, don’t forget to check out Health 101 for a battle plan. Until we meet again I bid thee all adieu.

With these workout ideas for couples, you and your partner can spend quality time together while you stay on track to reaching your goals.

A.C. Nielsen Co Study – 2007

Written by Anthony Heredia