I Talk Chic: The Only Way I Know How

I developed my “Talking Chic” column in 2004. This was just after I received my bachelor’s degree in journalism and a minor in speech communications from California State University, Fullerton (CSUF). Yes, I had a lot to say to the world—I mean a lot. So imagine the rush I felt when Kaylene Peoples, the publisher and editor in chief ofAgenda Magazine, offered me the platform to just, well, talk. And talk about fashion; puh-lease add more cherries to that pie!

I worked in the TBD department at Nordstrom when I first started my column. And I clearly recall when I gave my acceptance speech to Kaylene. By myself, standing next to the “holds” in the back office, I felt that this moment was supposed to come my way. I knew that my interest in fashion and style would exceed merchandising racks of new trends and getting sizes for customers (even though I loved it all and still personally shop with women!). I desired the chance to sit with an actual designer and pick his or her brain, asking such as questions, Why this fabric? Why only these sizes? Have you always wanted to do this?

Thanks to Agenda Magazine, those days eventually arrived.

So for the last five years, I have been able to chat about the chic things in life—designer collections, Los Angeles fashion shows, my celebrity fashion inspirations, helping women clean out their closets, social networking, family heirlooms, thrift-store shopping, finding the right jeans—my values of what I consider chic topics to address.

I grew up with this magazine and have gone through numerous life changes! But the one thing that has been constant amongst joyful as well as heartbreaking experiences is my “Talking Chic” column. It has helped me stay strong, become more confident, and accept exactly who I am.

By Elana Pruitt, ‘Good Girl Gone Shopping’http://www.diaryofapersonalshopper.blogspot.com