The Skinny on Healthy Detoxing – Should I Detox?

Agenda is evolving and so shall its readers. This issue we are taking a look at how (how being addressed in “Fitness 101” article) and why to detoxify your body from years of environmental and nutritional abuse for a metabolic weight loss and life boost. Hitting the reset button on your body is a great way to get a fresh start on any type of journey towards reaching your health and fitness goals. A detox (short for detoxification) is basically removing as many potentially harmful environmental and dietary toxic substances from your body as possible so that your body may function properly and thrive. We are exposed to countless environmental pollutions (smog, fumes, emissions, pesticides, etc.) as well as nutritional toxins (artificial preservatives, animal hormones, Trans fats, large amounts of sugar, excess sodium, etc.) that over time can dramatically drag our bodies to a slow crawl. Consider detoxing as cleaning house. It’s spring cleaning time.

There are a handful of authorities out there that believe our bodies do not need extra help to detox. These individuals believe that the body has adapted enough over the years to fend for itself, but I strongly disagree. The various toxins we are exposed to are primarily stored in our fat cells (our primary form of storage) when they enter our system. This means the more body fat one accumulates the more potential storage for 21st century toxins. We need to be more proactive about our health and help our bodies attain new levels of health so we can live longer, happier, and more productive lives. The idea of detoxing is basically to give your body a break, a chance to heal itself and play catch up over a brief period of about two weeks. You do this through a balance of natural and modern methods (addressed in Fitness 101). Once your newly cleansed supercharged body is ready, you can restore your daily routine with new, healthier precautions taken to maintain this new-found vitality and youth you have gained.

Detoxifying Helps:

· Reduce Inches in Midsection

When your body is exposed to potential allergens (environmental & nutritional toxins), your body can become inflamed, swelling you from the inside and slowing down many processes inside your body. This can lead to the appearance of a larger stomach when in fact it’s inflammation that your body is fighting. When your body is under heavy inflammation, you are much more likely to gain body fat as well as create a vicious cycle of weight gain.

· Regulate True Appetite (Eliminate Fake Hunger & Cravings)

An abundance of artificial preservatives, excess sugar, nutrient imbalance, and toxic food triggers false chemical signals, making you crave foods you really don’t need.

· Regulate & Boost Sex Drive

A healthy sex drive is a result of healthy hormone secretion and proper blood flow combining in an internal orchestra bringing your lust to life. Should a problem arise on either the hormonal or circulatory level, your taste for amorous lovemaking might decrease significantly. There are numerous reasons why sex drive decreases, but many of those reasons can be significantly helped with some simple self-care.

· Regulate Mental Clarity

Mental clarity is a result of proper neural signals firing cohesively as a result of good blood chemistry. Thinking clearly requires body homeostasis (full body balance) through good oxygen uptake, nutrient balance, and proper circulation, all of which can easily be thrown off by a toxic malnourished system.

· Lessen or Eliminate Bad Breath and Body Odor

You are what you eat, they say. Well, they’re right. Bad breath comes from bad stomach chemistry and rotting food in your mouth. Bad body odor stems from toxins leaving through sweat glands. The more toxic the system the more potent the offending odor. Both these problems can be helped significantly through better diet.

· Lessen or Eliminate Allergies, Eczema, Acne, or Psoriasis

Many allergies and skin conditions are nowadays being recognized more as the result of food irritants. This can also be addressed by a medical allergy patch exam. You might be allergic to something you’re eating and not know it.

· Regulate & Boost Metabolism (Weight Loss)

You basically are able to burn (use) more calories with a cleaner engine (metabolism), thus aiding in your weight loss efforts. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but I am sure you get the idea.

· Regulate & Boost Energy Levels and Moods

Mood imbalance and lethargy are caused for various reasons, but I am referring here to neural chemical imbalances due to electrolyte, fluid, and nutrient imbalances. Not giving your body what it needs can drastically affect energy levels and cause mood swings. You should always consult your physician for serious scenarios, but a detox can make a world of change.

· Regulate Sleep Patterns

Falling asleep begins by your body releasing melatonin from your pituitary gland to render that drowsy feeling. This process can be impaired by a toxic system, making it much harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

· Regulate Bowel Movements

By increasing fiber. Having regular bowel movements is crucial to your health because if you aren’t regular, the toxins in your colon are given time to be reabsorbed into your healthy system.

· Improve Skin Health

By helping restore proper moisture and oils to skin.

· Slow Aging

By fighting deterioration of collagen (main cause of aging) and combating free radicals (the destroyers of healthy cells).

·  Regulate & Boost Immune System

·  Regulate or Eliminate Bloating, Puffiness, Gas, and/or Indigestion

By regulating good to bad bacteria and enzyme ratios in your body that keep you in balance.

There are countless effective ways to detoxify your body, all catering to your varied levels of likes, dislikes, lifestyles and budgets and whims, but whatever you do, make sure to do some research. Find something that has been proven to render results, that has a well established history, and that you will enjoy. Suffering is not the goal; the goal is to be kind to yourself, work with and heal your body from the inside out. Namaste (I bow to the divine in you), Agenda readers. (How to Detox in “Fitness 101”)

Written by Anthony Heredia