Through The Looking Glass – The Vision Behind YogaFit

Through The Looking Glass – The Vision Behind YogaFit

YogaFit has come to reign as the largest yoga entity in all of North America and currently trains a staggering 11,000 motivated yoga enthusiasts each year with no end in sight. As powerful as yoga is to our overall health, Agenda Magazine felt compelled to unveil the inspirational personality that is quickly becoming fitness royalty in a growing health conscious world. We took the opportunity to discover what has distinguished YogaFit as such an influential presence in the US with some one on one time Beth Shaw herself.

What would you say distinguishes YogaFit from all other Yoga entities out there today?

YogaFit is more than just a yoga company, we are a way of life for millions of people. By that I mean that as a company we stand for philanthropy, helping others, making a positive difference in the world, and helping the group consciousness of the planet evolve. In terms of yoga, we are ‘Real Yoga for Real People .’ This means we take a common sense and safe approach to yoga and try to attract as many people as we can to the practice via a user-friendly fitness based formant.”

It’s fantastic how conscious YogaFit is of its clients needs and very admirable that YogaFit is giving of itself as it prospers. Who would you say you created YogaFit for and why?

I created YogaFit because I saw a need in the marketplace for accessible user-friendly and safe yoga.

What would you say is one of the most common beginner mistakes you encounter in the world of Yoga and what advice would you give to correct it?

Ego plays a huge part in creating expectations and injuries. Trying to master each pose too quickly is unnecessary and injurious to the body/mind.

There are so many potential yoga enthusiast out there today. What words of wisdom do you have for an individual who is deciding whether to begin a journey into yoga?

Try many different styles and teachers. Find out who and what resonates with you -it’s like dating (playful smile).

Your passion for your clients is wonderful. Where do you hope to see YogaFit’s passion take you in a few years?

I hope to see YogaFit rapidly becoming a worldwide global force for positive change and advocacy.

What would you say most inspires you as positive health authority?

The power that fitness yoga and health has over me, and the positive changes they consistently produce in others. Our health is our foundation for everything and our most valuable asset always!”

You must reflect constantly to have such a great out look on life, what is the last significant positive life lesson you have learned?

A small group of concerned citizens can make a difference–everyone can make a difference on this planet, and we all need to.

Why don’t you give our readers a better understanding of Beth Shaw, who do you most admire in this big beautiful world of ours and why?

[I admire] People who walk their talk. I have come in contact with many people who speak ‘ Spiritual-ese’ but fail to live it. I admire Judy Mancuso of Social Compassion who authorized the mandatory spay/neuter bill for California. I admire my animal activist friends like Ellen Levinthal from Animal Alliance who works tirelessly for animals. I admire Gretchen Wilde who founded the humane society genesis awards. I admire Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA–she is the real deal!

It is very refreshing and wonderful to know that you are keeping an eye out for the four-legged inhabitants of this world too along with us two legged creatures. Tell us, what are you most proud of in the long-lived successful life of YogaFit?

The vast amount of community service we have been able to do for humans and animals.

Why don’t you give Agenda readers a sneak peek of your future plans. What exciting projects are you working on currently?

My new book, YogaFit gets released from Human Kinetics Publishing in January. Also, we have some very exciting new class formats like ‘Full Body Blast’ and some great eco-friendly bamboo clothing.

Any last words?

We would love to have more like minded-people join our network – also – Spay & Neuter your pets PLEASE!

Visit YogaFit online at and learn about the 9 mind body fitness conferences nationwide annually.

Interviewed by Anthony Heredia