Tag: wise remedies

Wise Remedies | Refreshing Our Ideals of Health

Wise Remedies | Refreshing Our Ideals of Health

We KNOW: we must regularly change the oil in our vehicles to keep the engine in good working order. It’s foundational – leave the oil in your car too long, the engine will be damaged. Similarly, If you’ve been roaming this planet for more than 30 years and you’ve not cleansed your body systems, your “car” has never had its “oil changed.”

Wise Remedies | Diet – One Size Does NOT Fit All

Wise Remedies | Diet – One Size Does NOT Fit All

Most commonly, the holy grail in the choice of a dietary practice is losing weight. If you have a hard time dropping weight for an extended period of time, weight loss should NOT be your goal. In my experience, people who have been struggling to lose weight over time need to be focusing on what X Factor is overwhelming the body and causing persistent and perhaps continued weight gain. Many times that X Factor is the very dietary practices being utilized. When the inner terrain of the body is somewhat correct (that means it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to not be overwhelmed), the lose of weight happens speedily and with a modicum of ease.