Allah Ali and Kosmic Flight

Allah Ali and Kosmic Flight

Allah Ali and Kosmic Flight was a pleasure to listen to.  How nice to hear some damn good folk music and guitar.  This man has a voice, similar in type to Elvis, but softer and with a strong vibrato that works well with his expert acoustic sound.  He has captured the old style blues and folk. I really enjoy his song writing skills as well.  He paints a picture with his words.  While the EP has only three songs, all are done well, but “Sugar Baby” is definitely one you must listen to.

You will want to hear this man live.  His vocals are haunting, and in my perspective, he is truly an artist—having worked on his craft for over 30 years. He started playing music when he was three years old.  He has certainly grown.

Allah Ali not only tells the story with his words, but his vocals add to the portrait with his expert use of silence and space with his long sustained notes.  He understands how to manipulate tempo and volume to capture the ear of his listener.  He playfully adds a hint of a yodel to some of the songs and gives us a little blues guitar play as well.

Allah Ali has played his music all over the Western states, making his way to the East (Coast?).  I recommend listening to Allah Ali.

To learn more, visit the following websites:

Lisa Trimarchi