Lisa Trimarchi – Insights Columnist Creating a Window to the Soul

Since summer 2004, Lisa has written heartfelt articles pertaining to the human soul. Some of her articles have touched on children at war, global peace, unrest, personal relationships, even the passing of a loved one. She has taken us on a tour of human emotions—exposing her thought process. Lisa’s willingness to be open about her own personal life experiences has enabled her readers to explore their own feelings.

“It hit me one day: I can’t do everything. Then I shook myself and tried to do more. I found love or so I thought and tried to juggle that, too. Well, a juggler can only keep so many balls up in the air, and unfortunately, mine came tumbling down.” -Lisa Trimarchi, Fall back ten and punt

What inspires your writing?

I have been writing for Agenda Magazine for five years. My life has been my inspiration and source of my articles’ topics. I have included Agenda ‘s readers on my spiritual journey and developed the voice within that leads me to further understanding. I’ve gone through storms both physical and spiritual, and as I review the past, I’ve changed; but the light and spirit that has driven me forward remains intact.

I understand you are a healer certified with Reiki. What exactly is Reiki, and could you talk a little about that?

The official definition of Reiki is the non-physical healing energy made up of life force energy that is guided by the higher intelligence or a spiritually guided life force energy known as Chi, which provides relaxation and stress reduction to promote healing and pain relief.

I’m a medical intuitive. I can see problems in the body without a person telling me. What happens often when I work with a person, using Reiki, I will see what the problems are and that person will feel relief in those areas.

“I’m about to pick up some of those balls that I had to drop before. Sometimes it pays to let go. Sometimes risks pay off.”—Lisa Trimarchi, Insights Columnist—

Being a Reiki healer sort of goes along with the sensitivity of your articles—the waters run deep. Insights’ gamut of topics is vast. You’ve written about your children, failed romances, and you’ve even broached controversial subjects like the unrest in the Middle East.

I hope my readers have gotten some insights from my articles and have thought about some of the themes that could lead to their growth and enlightenment. I will continue to write my insights forAgenda Magazine readers and will attempt to share empathy, compassion, and understanding.

Any last words?

Here’s to another five years. Namaste and God bless!

Interviewed by Kaylene Peoples