Bad Girls: Let’s Be Honest Ladies, Aren’t You Only into Him Because He’s Not into You?

The authors, Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo, left out one very important piece of the puzzle in their bestselling book He’s Just Not That Into You. Deep down every female knows what that little piece of the puzzle is. Our perception and our reality are worlds apart when it comes to relationships today. Although our reality has drastically changed, our perception continues to remain the same.

The tired but lingering perception still holds men responsible for the majority of problems experienced in relationships, which is not to say that women are unwilling to take a little responsibility. Women often blame themselves for giving and loving too much. Interestingly enough, females tend to give and love too much only when they are involved with males that treat them badly or, at the least, males that show them little interest. Could it be that females continue to love males like this because it is simply in their nature to be giving and nurturing, or could it simply be that females love a challenge? If you are a male reader, you probably suspect it’s the latter. Although, if you are a female reader, you know it’s the latter.

Females chase after commitment in the same way that males have always chased. Males often lose interest in females after they get them into bed, and females often lose interest in males after they get them to commit ? that’s the reality ? but it’s certainly not the perception that most people have about women. Why? Because it doesn’t fit the males are “bad” and females are “good” stereotype to which we have become so accustomed.

The females who claim to love too much are the equivalent of males who will say or do anything to get a female into bed. These females will put up with anything and will do almost anything to accomplish their goal, getting a man into a commitment. However, once they have garnered their commitment, they usually become bored and resentful. Eventually, after finding a reason to blame the men for their unhappiness (i.e., boredom), they move on to their next conquest. This is the commitment game ? it’s the female version of pursue and discard.

I found it interesting, having interviewed more than two hundred people as well as having recently written a book about females, to hear that large numbers of women were ending their relationships as a result of reading He’s Just Not That Into You. Interesting, because I knew from my research that these women were most likely ending their relationships for the same reason they had stayed in them: they viewed the men they were seeing as a challenge.

I was curious, so I set out to find out what was really behind the apparent phenomenon. I wanted to know why women were really ending their relationships after their encounter with that little book we’ve all heard so much about.

I discovered that the book’s directness made it difficult, if not impossible, for women to continue to rationalize their boyfriends’ behavior once they had read it; there was nothing left for the women to analyze or to talk about with their friends. They no longer needed to try to figure out what their boyfriends were thinking, or spend time wondering about where their relationship was going. The need for discussing, analyzing, hoping and longing had all been eliminated. As a result, many women ended their relationships. They had mistakenly believed that the men in their lives were complicated and mysterious, or in other words, a challenge. Instead, they found out their boyfriend’s behavior was categorically identifiable and even predictable. However, what must not be overlooked is the fact that it was the apparent “cookie cutter” behavior of men, meaning the men’s loss of mystery, which caused the women to end their relationships. It was obviously not due to the way men were treating them; otherwise women would have ended their relationships prior to reading the book. So, it seems women are ending their relationships after reading the book for the same reason they often ended them prior to reading it. They think the men in their lives are boring.

Greg Behrendt, one of the co-authors of He’s Just Not That Into You , has co-written a new book with his wife, titled It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken . Even without reading the subtitle, one could easily assume that the book is intended to help women deal with the difficulty and aftermath of a breakup. One could assume this due to the book’s cover, which prominently displays a container of ice cream.

It will be interesting to see if this new book will sweep the nation, too. Although, I must say, I don’t think it will. The reason is due to a little known fact: it is women, not men who end the majority of relationships. I know what your preconditioned mind must be thinking. You must be thinking “well, women wouldn’t be ending the majority of relationships if it weren’t for men’s bad behavior.” But this isn’t necessarily the case. Growing apart is actually one of the most common reasons cited by women for ending their relationships, and during my research, the reason most frequently given by women for ending or wanting to end their relationship was “my husband/boyfriend is boring.”

Bearing this in mind, one has to wonder why the new breakup book doesn’t have a big frosty beer on its cover. The answer to that one is probably pretty simple:

A) As a society we keep women’s bad behavior a secret; trust me, if it had been Hillary instead of Bill, you would have never been the wiser.
B) Women buy a lot more books than men.

These types of books are obviously intended to empower women. However, I believe the opposite is true. Women will never be empowered by the media’s false bravado, which is constantly being used to feed their egos and somehow make up for their past oppression. Women will only become truly empowered when they own the dark side of their nature, when they are held accountable and take responsibility for their own bad behavior as well as the harm they often inflict onto others.

In our culture men have been reduced to nothing more than their animal nature, while women on the other hand, are still somehow separated from theirs. The devil and the angel, so to speak, live inside every human being. Females are in no way excluded from this fact of human nature. At some point in history, many societies assigned and deemed certain characteristics and behaviors natural, meaning acceptable, for each of the relationship. To this day, people are inundated with these same exaggerated and fictitious images of male and female behavior. Women, as well as men, have been sliced down the middle ? able to own only part of who they are.

In order for females to achieve real equality and to stop being their own oppressors, they are going to have to acknowledge, as well as take responsibility for, the disrespectful way in which they often treat males. In truth, women are just as often the villains as they are the victims. Acknowledging and accepting this fact is the only way for women to truly become whole.

This process may require women to ask themselves some pretty tough questions, to which they undoubtedly will not like the answers, questions such as:

How many guys have I blown off? How many times have I not returned a guy’s phone call? How many times have I lied to a guy? How many times have I cheated on a guy? How many times have I strung a guy along? How many times have I used a guy for his money? How many times have I used a guy for attention? How many times have I used a guy for relationship?

Females regularly do all of these things and more. What’s more, they typically do them to males who really like them and are trying to treat them well. Unfortunately, the nice guys are often viewed, as willing, willing to commit, which translated into male terms means . . . an easy lay.

Women didn’t need to read a book from a man’s perspective in order for them to understand and gain insight into male behavior. All they needed to do was ask themselves why they treat some males in the same way that they often complain about being treated.. And of course, without any hesitation, an answer quite similar to the title of that little book would roll right off every woman’s tongue: “I’m just not that into him.”

Written by Sudesh Wadhwa


Colours seen by candelight
Will not look the same by day.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

When I was 17, a senior in high school and ready to graduate, I was very eager to set sail and go.  As for many, high school was a very traumatic time for me. I had challenges to face at home and challenges to face at school. I had to avoid bullies that would follow me home, and I had many disagreements with my parents. I guess as with all teenagers I began to embrace my own vision of the world and shun the one my parents tried to give me.

I took refuge in being friendly, making friends, and sharing warmth with others; but because I was trapped in my head with intense feelings of loneliness, I was unaware of the many lives I’d touched. I had a few good friends, but I didn’t realize just how much they thought of me until many years later while attending my 30-year high school reunion. After all the warm hugs, friendly smiles and recognition of me by people I hardly remembered, I realized that while I was reaching out to others in high school, they were deeply affected and may have reached out to me as well. I was constantly asked, “Where have you been in so many years?” Also, a dear friend I left behind so long ago embraced me and said, “Please don’t leave me again.”

Along with the others I left behind, I left myself behind. I thought I left behind a person who was not popular, who was not liked, and maybe had a handful of friends. Boy was I wrong! I felt like the guy in It’s a Wonderful Life , who was given the chance to see what life would have been without him, only to discover that the many people affected by him would have perished in one way or another. It felt very good to be reminded that I’ve had a wonderful life and that those I’ve encountered have been deeply touched by me. I discovered also that I have been deeply touched by them.

I lived across the street from a very cute boy and his very cute surfer friends. Sometimes we would speak. I was very close to his mother, and to my surprise, they remembered me! Those very same surfer dudes liked me. I wish I hadn’t been so shy. I would have been the only black surfer girl on the street. I don’t know if my parents could have coped with me being exposed to the turbulent waves of Southern California, however. This Lisa that I left behind I soon began to realize has been hanging ten in an alternate reality.

I remember belonging to the Asian Club, the Iranian Club, the International Club, and the choir. I was like a butterfly floating and touching everything and everyone. I couldn’t stop smiling. And now I can’t forget the good things that happened to me even in the midst of some bad things. So that 17-year-old girl is accompanying me now, along with her memories and her personality.

The following Monday after the reunion, I plummeted. I’ve gotten older, a little heavier, and a little more self-conscious, it seems. I need to work out, go on a diet, get a better career, and on and on. Now, it is the Monday after that, and I have embraced the person that I have become, and reunited with the “me” I left behind. I am embracing what I’ve become and realize that I have a whole lifetime to accomplish the things I have yet to achieve.

I realize that I saw myself and others through the night lit dimly by candlelight; and now by the light of a day lit with sunshine, I see things more clearly. So, I am embracing the people I left behind and hope we find opportunities to celebrate together much sooner than the next high school reunion.

My Winter Wardrobe

When I was a child, I couldn’t wait until it was Chanukah. The taste of latkes and relaxing by the fireplace are memories I shall never forget.

As for gifts, my parents usually had at least some sort of clothing wrapped up for me. This was in addition to new journals, fun Hello Kitty pencils, and new multi-colored strings for my friendship bracelets. I loved the thought of ringing in the winter season with something new to wear. I never expected a new wardrobe for Chanukah – and I wouldn’t have received that anyway! (My mother is a firm believer in “it’s the little things that count.”) Still, I couldn’t help but squeal in the delight that I would be able to add to my wardrobe.

One of my favorite gifts was a pink puffy button-up coat with a turquoise attached scarf! It was so perfect. Valuing that jacket so much, I decided to take the scarf out and save it. I still have it after 20 years.

Sometimes, I would get new slippers, a new robe, sweaters, or comfy turtlenecks. I never realized how smart my mother was until I was an adult. She would buy us what we truly needed ? practical gifts. However, she would make it fun. I really needed that jacket, as the hail poured down from our Southern California sky. Slippers, but in a royal blue, pull-up boot style, were to keep my feet toasty throughout the winter nights.

As an adult, I now like to treat myself to my own Chanukah gifts. And I do so following my mother’s standards – take what you need and put your own twist to it. So what do I need this winter? Well, my shopping list entails a top three must-have check-off: short, black leather bomber jacket; a man’s navy blue blazer jacket (which I may just snatch from my boyfriend’s closet to save money); and a faux fur cream jacket. I have plenty of boots ? the over-the-knee boot is too dominatrix for me. I also already own various plaid pieces, a print which will continue to be a hot style for winter. So my list is minimal and practical, these three items that will add classic, couture-inspired style to my wardrobe.

Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas! May your wardrobe be filled with pieces that are practical and exciting.

Interviews from the Kevan Hall Fashion Show at Universal Studios Backlot, October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009 was the chic fashion event of the season. The luxurious setting at Universal Studios backlot was the perfect backdrop for Kevan Hall’s couture fashion show. With a bevy of top models, diamonds, luxury handbags, high fashion eyewear, and beautiful footware, Kevan Hall created a coveted collection of fashion art in its most perfect form. I had the opportunity to interview some of the key players that evening—Gregory Arlt (MAC Makeup), Tod Hallman (runway show producer); and celebrity guests Tammy Farrell (Miss California 2009), and Natasha Henstridge.

Interviews by Kaylene Peoples (bolded)

Miss California 2009 Tammy Farrell (Pre Show)

What designer are you wearing tonight?

Kevan Hall naturally. I love his designs! I’m really looking forward to the show.

What was it like as your reign as Miss California?

I stepped into controversy with Carrie Prejean. It’s been a huge honor with all the media attention. It has helped me in so many ways than it would have had I won on my own. I was able to be an advocate for causes that I really believed in. For the first time we had world news. The world was watching what was going to happen with this pageant.

What are your plans now?

I just finished my screenplay and I’ve been shopping that around. I am working on my second one now. I’m also an actress. I started filming my first movie, and I hope there will be more to come.

Gregory Arlt – Director of Makeup Artistry for MAC

What are you doing for the Kevan Hall show?

It’s really based on the 40s. She’s sort of a well-traveled woman, ultra chic, absolutely perfect. And she might have been driving in her convertible. So she has a little bit of a wind-swept look. The hair might have gotten a little shape from being in the car. The makeup might have gotten a little stronger. So we gave her a really chic cat eye and a very strong, deep rich blood-red lip.

Any makeup trends for this winter coming up?

Absolutely! There are so many that we’ve seen. Two of the strongest trends I think are definitely a lip. We did see a lot of reds on the runway, a lot of burgundies, wines, sometimes bright orange lips . . . definitely a stronger mouth, sort of 50s—a cleaner eye. And then the opposite direction, we thought definitely a smoky eye. But it wasn’t your typical black eye. It was a little more sort of gray. We saw almost a metallic gray or ashy gray, kind of light your beautiful eye shadow, which I love. But it was a little bit more undone—it wasn’t perfect. Kind of like a smoky eye but still really chic.

Runway Show Producer – Tod Hallman

I’ve known Kevan, going back to when he was at Halston in New York. And when he came back to Los Angeles, he did his first show, and I was a guest. I was like, “I want to work with Kevan!” So I have been producing his shows since 2005.

What is the inspiration for this show?

Since we’re at the Rusnak reveal of three North American luxury cars—the Rolls, the Porche, and the new 4-door Pandemera . . . it is just breathtaking—I spoke to Kevan and I said, “Since we’re going to be working on the show, we needed to combine your inspiration in the end to the auto theme.” So he decided on Elizabeth Parke Firestone. She was the daughter of the son of Firestone Tires. She was a magnificent dresser, breathtaking. And she felt it was important for her to look great because she was always on her husband’s arm. Kevan has moved forward the classic look that she wore back in the 50s, 60s and 70s for today’s modern woman. And when Kevan comes up with his inspiration then my wheels start churning, about what I can do visually. I am a concept person, so it’s always great working with him.

Interview with Natasha Henstridge (Post Show)

What did you think of the show?

I’ve always been a fan of Kevan Hall’s work because I think he cuts so beautifully for the figure of a woman, which I have. I loved all the opalescent, iridescent, classic, gorgeous, unusual colors that he used in this season. Colors, that I’d never even seen before, but in a beautiful, classic, subtle way. I think it’s a fun, nice thing to see come back. What I really enjoy about fashion are things that are classic with a modern twist. I saw a lot of that in this collection.

I kind of agree with you, the way that he does design for women with curves.

You don’t see A-Line in Kevan Hall’s stuff, and I’m a big fan of A-Line things, flapper things. But you have to know what works for your body, and his fashion and his styles work for a woman’s body.

Do you have other designers that you are a fan of as well?

I do have a few. I love Zac Posen; Versace also cuts for a woman’s curves; Dianne Von Furstenberg. Again, these are just designers that work for me. There are so many designers that I adore that don’t work for my body.

Tell me what you’re working on now?

I just finished a movie. It’s a little sweet family movie, a Hallmark movie called You Lucky Dog. I’m kind of trying to be “Mommy and Me,” but on a much lower budget (she laughs). It’s very sweet. Kind of like a dog bringing its family back together. Before that I did Eli Stone, Crazy Keeper for a couple of years. Crossing my fingers to do another TV show. I like to just kind of stick around and be in town.

Kevan Hall’s Spring 2010 Collection “The Getaway” – Once Again Earning His Title as “The Red Carpet Designer”

Kevan Hall presented his Spring 2010 evening and ready-to-wear collection during Rusnak’s “Night of Luxury” in the grand plaza of Spartacus Square on the Universal Studios Hollywood Backlot, Saturday, October 17, 2009. The feeling of privilege and opulence abounded as I scanned the sea of elegant tables, smelled the aroma of fine food and drink, and took in the distinguished guests dressed to the nines. Rolls Royce revealed its newest car, the “Ghost” for 2010, among other couture vehicles, including the unveiling of Porche and Jaguar. Miss California, Tammy Farrell, among other celebrities (Haylie Duff, Nick Zano, and Natasha Henstridge) were in attendance. Before the main event, I spoke to the head stylist and runway show producer to get a feel of the night’s upcoming main event. They hinted at the smoky eye look and thecarefree essence of the heiress, driving in her convertible sports car with her hair in the classic up-do, in this case, a classy beehive with a slightly windblown look. The producer emphasized his desire to bring to life Hall’s vision. In my opinion he succeeded.

As with every Kevan Hall collection, the clothes were breathtaking, bringing me back to old Hollywood. Well, the Spring 2010 collection was no different . . . ahem . . . except, dare I say, “evolved”? Each beautiful gown and elegant suit embodied nostalgia reminiscent of Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, etc. The show was indeed bigger than life. The white jersey jumpsuit with black silk organza touring duster was one of my favorite pieces. Another signature piece in Hall’s collection was the azalea pink silk taffeta siren gown with bow. In keeping with the one-shoulder trend as seen on many a catwalk this season, the white chiffon one-shoulder gown with black lace crossings was also a favorite. And let’s not forget the attention to detail that Hall gives his creations. The indigo stretch georgette crisscross dress was finely crafted to accentuate a woman’s curves—another Hall trademark.

It would be unfair to point out only my favorites, since every piece in this collection is beautiful and truly embodies Hall’s ode to the iconic woman. With clean lines and tastefuldiamond accessories and a palette of unusual spring colors, Kevan Hall’s Spring 2010 collection can only be described as other-worldly.

What was the inspiration for your collection?

The inspiration was Elizabeth Parke Firestone, who was the Firestone heiress; and I figured since we were doing this in this venue with the beautiful automobiles, to look to this incredible icon that collected couture. So, with couture, thinking about her life, thinking about the 50s all the way to the 70s . . . just beautiful couture-inspired gowns and suits.

I loved everything about it. I loved the styling that went along with it. What I noticed particularly—and you did this in most of your collections—were your choices of iridescent colors. Can you tell me a little bit about some of the fabrics you used?

We used a satin-based organza. It’s a fabric that I hadn’t used in many, many years. It has a very light, airy kind of feeling to it, and then again back to my color sense. People are really responsive to colors. The iridescence is something that I always do. I love soft, luxurious fabrics.

Why did you choose Universal Studios?

We had the opportunity to partner with Rusnak group. When I saw the setting, I thought it was just perfect to take it out of a white box and put it into this really wonderful open-air ambience and create a whole great evening.

Initially, I saw your very first collection as the creative director for Halston. I’ve been in love with your talent ever since. I have seen you just catapult into this amazing iconic—I know a word you use for your own inspirations to your collections—designer. What’s next for Kevan Hall?

What’s next for Kevan Hall? I am continuing to branch out on my brand. We do have a new collection called “Kevan Hall for Paul Stanley,” where I have a partner and we’re doing day dresses. Of course, we’re selling more mainstream. They’ll retail at specialty stores and in Bloomingdale’s, and then I also just launched a collection called “Kevan Hall Studio,” which is cocktail dresses at a great, affordable price for women that would love to own the clothes that they can’t really afford, the couture pieces.

For women like me. (Both laugh)

So we’re branching out.

EM & Co’s Eveline Morel: Los Angeles’s Pied Piper Who Spreads the Word about Local Talent in Fashion and Art

Eveline Morel is the owner of EM & Co, and she absolutely loves anything that has to do with fashion and creativity.  She hosts local art openings and local fashion shows and supports local talent in whatever they do. She spreads the news. Morel has always lived with fashion, fabrics, and fibers. She learned to knit when she was eight. Her grandmother was a dressmaker and pattern maker who taught dressmaking at one of the local schools.

“I pretty much just grew up under the table playing with the scraps of fabric.” -Eveline Morel

Eveline was born in Romania and lived there for the first eight years of her life. She learned her first sewing terms in Romanian. She knitted her first scarf when she was eight, and in high school she knitted her own sweaters and made her own skirts. Deciding she didn’t want to be a starving artist, Eveline went to school and got her MBA; but even in business school, Eveline’s nickname was Miss Fashion. In the 80s, she would take a business suit and make it stylish and fashionable. After learning the ins and outs of business, which involved learning how to run a business, working with creative people, putting events together, etc., she started making clothes for herself, and people started asking her where she got her clothes and could she make clothes for them. She decided to take those pieces to a store. They sold and she realized that she could design for a living. Eveline’s experience went from working in showrooms, to buying outfits, to working with designers. She realized that she needed to launch a collection.

How did you move into owning a boutique?

It was a fluke, essentially. I ended up becoming a partner of a boutique not too far from here. That was my first experience. I realized how important it was to have that direct contact with your customers. With boutiques, it’s about the space and how it inspires people. That includes lighting and everything else. That just grew on me. I felt right at home. Then I decided to open my own store and really have the vibe that I wanted and make sure I had enough space to host artists. And that’s kind of how it all started.

What are some of the exciting things you’re doing now?

This is the seventh season that we are hosting a fashion show. We do it every LA Fashion Week. The name that stuck is “Up Next – Emerging LA Designers.” They are always LA designers because it’s important to really support local talent. And there is a lot of talent in LA. We feature anywhere between three to five designers. When we see a designer that has that je ne sais quoi , we love spreading the word! And we’ve gotten pretty good at spreading the word. People are listening to us. We have over 4,000 people on our mailing list alone. So every time we send out something, more and more people get to hear about it.

What are some of the other things you host?

Every month we host local art openings. We feature designers, everything from photographers, to installation, to painters and artists. That’s something we’ve done for the last three years. In between that we also work with our customers and make them look fabulous.

What’s special about EM & Co as a boutique?

It’s really about the mix. It’s a mix of local and global designers, one-of-a-kind pieces, and pieces that are handpicked. We don’t just go into a store and get the top selling items and just buy those. We look at what’s going to fit the customers . . . what’s going to look good . . . what’s interesting. That’s how we approach things. It’s about the service, too. We make sure that people feel comfortable, that the store feels inviting, that you feel at home here. We always have a bottle of champagne in the fridge, and we keep it fun.

I attended a few events at your boutique . . . a Vivienne Westwood trunk show, which I really enjoyed . . . they’ve been pretty exciting with DJs and celebrities. Where do you see EM & Co in five years?

We always joke about it—and maybe there’s a little bit of truth in that—world domination! (Eveline laughs.) Actually, in the short term, we’re launching our online boutique. And eventually we are going to have stores in other locations. We’re probably going to have some pop-up stores in the US and a few locations around the world. But we’re always going to keep the same values and to keep what drives us, which is “think global and act local.”

Is that your logo?

Yes, it’s pretty much our mantra. Think global, find the best designers from all around the world, bring them under one roof, but at the same time always support the local talent: musicians, artists, designers. It’s important to do that. I know because having been a designer myself, I think it’s not just important to look outside, but to always make sure that you’re taking care of what’s in your backyard.

You’re unique as a boutique owner. I hate to even call you that because you’re so much more. You’re an entrepreneur and a businesswoman, you have the experience as a designer, and you know what goes into creating a piece and the work that goes into creating a collection. You’re able to run a successful boutique in a time when our economy is so unstable. What is it about you that makes you able to do all of this and keep it thriving?

It’s the passion for beauty and the passion for working for people. It makes me happy, literally brings me to tears just to hear a customer say they got so many compliments from [something they purchased here]. We’re touching someone’s life in a way. It’s not just selling goods and making the money, but it’s really abouttouching someone’s life. Clothing is a necessity, but it’s also something that inspires. It’s art. A lot of it is also just focus and looking at what is important—at the end of the day, what is it that we have achieved. Where do we want to go and how do we get there. I’m a pretty focused person.

Highest High

When I went to the Yelp page and read the reviews. All of a sudden reading what people were saying about their experience at the store, I nearly cried. Here’s someone writing a page on her experience and how positive it was. So that’s when I realized that we were making a difference and people are actually hearing some feedback. Of course we have a lot of fun, so everyday pretty much, there’s always a high or a good thing happening . . . pretty much everyday.

Lowest Low

There hasn’t been a time I can say. It’s just part of doing business. You’ll always have some times that aren’t exactly what you expected, but that’s all just a part of owning a business. When things happen, I ask, “What can I learn from this?” I see them as lessons or temporary setbacks to maybe alter the course. So far I don’t really have a low, and I hope I never do.

What advice would you give to somebody who wants to own a boutique?

It’s all about the mix and that it’s serious business. Ultimately you have to be able to approach it as a business and give it the necessary structure and business approach. At the same time, everything has to work together, the product and your knowledge of the customer.

EM & Co is located at 7940 W. 3 rd Street, Los Angeles, CA. Visit their online boutique at

Erin Wasson Backstage at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week New York Spring 2010

The model-turned-designer premiered a hippie girl-inspired collection catering to the “physically fit.” Except for the occasional loose-fitting blouse or sweater, there were mostly midrift-baring silk shirts, skinny white-washed, side-studded jeans with that oh-so familiar rocker flair since the label’s launch a couple of seasons back.  Photographed by Arun Nevader.

View Erin Wasson Backstage

November 2009 Face of the Month – Niki Dean

Face of the month Niki Dean, Photographed by Ash Gupta Studio 838Niki Dean, you wore cutoffs last summer, and we drove the jeep down to the lake with a guitar. It was perfect! I understand you lived in Canada?

Yes, I grew up in Canada, but spent my early childhood in Grenoble, France, a beautiful city at the foothills of the French Alps. It’s known as the Capital of the Alps.

French was my first language until we moved to Canada. I was just turning ten. But I feel like I have since become a citizen of the world.

Tell me about when and where you born?

I was born September 18 th . I’m a Virgo. I was a child of the 90s. I went to school in Ottawa and was the only non blond-hair-blue-eyed kid in my school. Ottawa was considered to be multicultural, and I had this awful mushroom haircut . . . this bowl haircut, which is only cute now in retrospect.

But you got out of Ottawa . . .

After a year, I moved to Toronto, and that’s where I really began to grow up in Canada. Although I started traveling the world modeling when I was16 and found myself going all over Asia, Europe, and South Africa.

So finding yourself . . .

I grew up as a bit of an outsider, living for 90s rock music. I started painting, sculpting, acting, and just being creative. I realized I was the freest when I was being creative. I was always fond of people and all aspects of them, hence why I love acting, and I always seem to be painting human figures, particularly women.

What is your idea of earthly happiness?

Inner turbulence.

What do you want to be?


What qualities do you most like in a man?

Passion and integrity.

What is your favorite drug?


What in your mind would be the greatest misfortune?

To never have loved or been loved.

Who are your favorite painters?

[I like] Amedeo Modigliani, Andre Berton, Edvard Munch, and Claude Monet.

What do you most dislike?


What is your present state of mind?



. . . In Latin I think it’s, “Expectare nihilum,

. . . In Latin I think it’s, timere nullum, sum liber”
“Expect nothing, fear no one, be free.”

By Studio 838 Ash Gupta

See the editorial.

Ash Gupta Studio 838 October 2009 Recap

In October, Studio 838 covered Downtown LA Fashion Week. Studio 838 photographers Alex Barakat, Thomas Connors, and Gilbert Mojarro shot runway, red carpet, and backstage. They captured the glamour and excitement of the MOCA Geffen shows and the debut of the Cao Cosmetics line. Ash Gupta attended the finale night, reuniting with friends Apollonia Kotero, Max Ryan, and Sandra Vidal.

Early in the month, Ash and the studio shot the experimental editorial,”One of Us,” at the Custom Hotel (featured in the current issue). Miss Latvia and Christina Djadenko were photographed as well and will be featured in a European publication.

Ksenia Sukhinova, the reigning Miss World, returned to Los Angeles and walked in the Valentino show. She took time out to shoot again with Ash Gupta, who is the first photographer who photographed her within the United States. Another Eastern face, Monika Jakisic, was shot for Croatian Maxim.

Ash rounded off the month by shooting a 16-page fashion editorial for British magazine The Collective, featuring 12 looks with a “fine art” spin on fashion. Themonth concluded with a shoot of hot, young Hollywood face, Collin Blake, for IQ Magazine.

See the Image Gallery