Posts Tagged ‘ Beauty ’

Trending: Hot Weather Hair

Trending: Hot Weather Hair

Spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner, and we’re at a loss about what to do with our hair. So we sought a little advice from professional hair stylist Bianca McMillan.

Spring Mix: Make-up Color Trends

Spring Mix: Make-up Color Trends

From runway to reality, make-up trends for spring 2013 are focused on “color.” Bold swatches of color decorated the eyes and lips of models from Dior to Prada. We’re not recommending that you don turquoise eye shadow up to the brows and decorate it with red sequins, but a little pop of color here and there goes a long way to keep with the trend without looking like a make-up victim.

Beauty A to Z: E Is for Exfoliation

Beauty A to Z: E Is for Exfoliation

Most skin care experts agree that there’s more to skin care than just cleansing and moisturizing. To truly keep skin in top shape, regular exfoliation is key. And we’re not talking about your grandmother’s scrubs. Put down the crushed walnut shells and apricot kernels, and make way for a new generation of exfoliators.

Love Your Skin: Myths and Truths About Acne & Makeup

Love Your Skin: Myths and Truths About Acne & Makeup

The subject of acne and skin care brings up all manner of old wives tales and myths about what causes acne and the best ways to treat it. There are also a broad range of opinions and techniques on the best way to wear makeup, to cover the appearance of acne scars and general blemishes. So we decided to bypass all the white noise, and get some expert advice from Dr. Agnes P. Olszewski.

Go for the Gold: The Best Beauty Finds

Go for the Gold: The Best Beauty Finds

The Academy Awards just took place, and hundreds of guests, nominees, presenters, and seat fillers got plucked, buffed, shaped, and polished for their big moment at the show. Congrats to all the winners and nominees! We found some of the best places (and products) to get that Oscar-worthy glow on the red carpet and beyond.

Product Review: Bobbi Brown BB Cream

Product Review: Bobbi Brown BB Cream

Bobbi Brown is the latest brand to hop on the BB Cream bandwagon. Like formulas from rival brands, the Broad Spectrum cream features a high SPF (35), a modest shade range, and an equally modest list of beauty claims.

Stript Wax Bar: Ready, Set, Smooth!

Stript Wax Bar: Ready, Set, Smooth!

We’re particularly taken with the facial services, most notably the Stem Cell Facial. This facial uses Glycolic Acid, and Plant Stem Cells from lilac leaves to help refresh the skin and encourage cell turnover. Plant stem cells have been used to stimulate human stem cell growth and preserve existing cells, and reportedly improve skin tone and texture. We tried it and can say with absolute confidence . . . it works.

New Year/New You: Skin Solutions for Every Face

New Year/New You: Skin Solutions for Every Face

It’s that time of year to get started with all those resolutions that you know you made (whether you told anyone or not). As you go about the business of saving more money and getting in better shape (again), you can at least put your best face forward.

Hair Apparent: Winter Fix

Hair Apparent: Winter Fix

Winter can wreak havoc on even the most resilient of hair types. From split ends to dry frizz, the cold temperatures bring new meaning to “bad hair day.” Here are five “quick fixes” to keep your hair looking its best while you brave the winter season.

Beauty A to Z: D is for (Micro) Dermabrasion

Beauty A to Z: D is for (Micro) Dermabrasion

One of the most effective ways to keep skin looking fresh and renewed is with the help of microdermabrasion. The practice has evolved . . . moving from specialized salons to “in home” kits. We rounded up some of the most effective microdermabrasion treatments that you can use in the comfort of your own home.